Windows 10's market share unexpectedly dropped, Edge kept growing

We have entered the last month of 2019 and, as usual, the reputable market analysis company Netmarketshare has just released a statistical report on the market share of desktop operating systems as well as web browsers. Popularly used in November.

Overall, it was a bit of a surprise that the November share of Windows 10 unexpectedly dropped slightly after months of keeping impressive momentum, while in the browser segment, 'rookie' Edge Chromium is still there. be steady strides.

Specifically in the array of desktop operating systems, in November, Windows 10 accounted for 53.78% of the global market share, down slightly from 54.30% in October. Market analysis and it is surprising that the platform has maintained a steady growth since the beginning of 2019. In addition, Windows 7 will officially be killed on January 14, 2020, and logically, the market share of Windows 10 as the final months of 2019 will be nearing the end of Windows 7's death. must grow sharply due to the large number of users switching from the old platform.

Picture 1 of Microsoft: Windows 10's market share unexpectedly dropped, Edge kept growing

However, the decline in market share was the general trend for major operating systems in November when macOS also witnessed a decrease from 5.11% to 4.06% market share, while Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 also suffered similarly when it decreased slightly to 26.67% and 3.66%.

Regarding the browser segment, there were not too many highlights when the big Google Chrome was still dominating the market with 67.30% market share, followed by Firefox with 8.61% and Internet Explorer at 7.43%. . The last place is Microsoft Edge with 6.23% market share - a slight increase compared to 6.09% of October market share.

Picture 2 of Microsoft: Windows 10's market share unexpectedly dropped, Edge kept growing

Except for the sudden drop in Windows 10 market share, everything is still on track with Microsoft.
