The scoliosis of the spine, the back always feels sore, turns out to be the cause

Human life is a constant process of movement and it is this movement that creates life. All buildings that want to stand must have strong pillars, strong pillars, which can be durable over time. The human body is a masterpiece of creation, not only standing on both legs but also flexible and flexible . To do all these wonders, we all have to rely on greatly helps the spine and spine as well as the sole pillar of the body, both the nerve and spinal column connecting and controlling joints through the system of muscles, ligaments, gods business . And create great mobility and movement of people.

Although the spine plays such an important role in the human body, many of us are silently hurting this part because of the unexpected daily actions of its negative effects on the spine. .

1. Take heavy objects from the top of the head

Picture 1 of The scoliosis of the spine, the back always feels sore, turns out to be the cause

When we have to take down a heavy object from above, we often have to tiptoe and stretch out as much as we can to get it, but do you know, this action is extremely dangerous and harmful to Our spine. When the weight of a suitcase or heavy object presses on the vertebrae, this action is like throwing a brick at the ball. If this action is repeated regularly, the back will be sore, uncomfortable and the spine may be crooked.

So, when taking heavy objects above, it's best to place a chair and stand up, which helps to reduce the pressure from objects on your back, protecting the spine.

2. Wear a crossover shoulder / backpack

Picture 2 of The scoliosis of the spine, the back always feels sore, turns out to be the cause

Wearing a heavy backpack or backpack, shifting to the side is a common habit of many young people, which inadvertently negatively affects the human spine.

To protect the spine, when traveling far away or carrying heavy items, avoid using cross-type bags or shoulder-mounted backpacks that will make the spine bend. The backpack has 2 wide, soft belts that will be the ideal choice to protect the spine, so wear both straps to wear evenly on the shoulder.

3. Bend down to tie shoes

Picture 3 of The scoliosis of the spine, the back always feels sore, turns out to be the cause

The posture of bowing and tying shoes or doing something will have a significant impact on the spine, at which time the spine will be bent causing damage to the intervertebral discs, easily causing disc herniation, causing spinal injury.

So, when we tie our shoes, we should not bend but sit on a chair or sit on the ground for comfort. Do not stand down and tie shoes.

4. Clean the house

Picture 4 of The scoliosis of the spine, the back always feels sore, turns out to be the cause

In order to help the floor be cleaner, many people choose to use rags and bow to clean the house, but, this is the main cause of back pain, spinal pain because of 'to crawl' cleaning. Make sure, after that move many people find their legs and back numb, move their arms, lift / carry heavy objects . because they have to work too hard with a higher intensity than usual.

To help prevent back pain, scoliosis, you should limit cleaning your home by hand, using brooms instead, to avoid putting pressure on your spine because you have to bend too much.

5. Bag too heavy

Picture 5 of The scoliosis of the spine, the back always feels sore, turns out to be the cause

When carrying items, you should evenly hold both hands to divide the force evenly on both sides of the spine, no side is pulled down. Do not be afraid to carry the sides but put them all in one bag, causing the weight of the bag to weigh heavily on one side of the body, the heavier the bag will increase the pressure on the spine. Not only that, the knees are not stretched when carrying heavy bags.


  • Keep in mind that when carrying heavy objects, the shopping bag should be lifted to the level of your knee to avoid the risk of bending the spine. Limiting heavy objects to most women is over 2kg and men are over 5kg.
  • Always keep in mind that only bags of mass should be distributed evenly to two hands.
  • 6. Automobile repair at low level

    Picture 6 of The scoliosis of the spine, the back always feels sore, turns out to be the cause

    For owners of cars often face this situation. When changing tires many people often choose posture to stoop back to get all the tires to turn, this situation if happening continuously will affect significantly to the spine.

    So, when fixing tires, you can sit on the same wheels, then change the tires as usual.

    7. Wash dishes

    Picture 7 of The scoliosis of the spine, the back always feels sore, turns out to be the cause

    Today, many families often use vertical sinks, with this way of washing, our posture is often slightly bent forward and stands still in one position. This posture may cause the vertebrae in the chest to quickly wear away, causing the shoulders to ache.

    To avoid back pain, you can get a chair to set your feet on when washing dishes. In this position will help you balance, avoid putting pressure on the spine.

    With brushing is similar to washing dishes, in order to avoid putting pressure on the spine, when brushing your teeth, rest your hands on the wall or sink to monitor the pressure on your spine.
