How many XP experience points do you need to level up Pokemon Go?

When ranking increases, your level in Pokemon GO, players will own a lot of precious gifts. We will have for themselves the Pokemon catch items like more new types of balls, medals when leveling, . and many worthy rewards for the effort that gamers have spent.

  • See more What will you get when you level up Pokemon GO
  • And leveling up in Pokemon Go depends entirely on the XP experience we gain. There are a lot of activities in Pokemon Go that will help you get your experience points, from making beautiful ball throws, successfully defending your gym, . When you reach the specified XP score, Players will be eligible for promotion. So how many XP points are needed to level up? Is the condition of XP points different at each level? In this article, we will synthesize the specified XP points so that players can be promoted to the next level in Pokemon Go.

  • See how to level up quickly in Pokemon GO
  • Level up Pokemon GO Experience XP needed to level up next Level 1 1,000 XP Level 2 2,000 XP Level 3 3,000 XP Level 4 4,000 XP Level 5 5,000 XP Level 6 6,000 XP Level 7 7,000 XP Level 8 8,000 XP Level 9 9,000 XP Level 10 10,000 XP Level 11 10,000 XP Level 12 10,000 XP Level 13 10,000 XP Level 14 15,000 XP Level 15 20,000 XP Level 16 20,000 XP Level 17 20,000 XP Level 18 25,000 XP Level 19 25,000 XP Level 20 50,000 XP Level 21 75,000 XP Level 22 100,000 XP Level 23 125,000 XP Level 24 150,000 XP Level 25 190,000 XP Level 26 200,000 XP Level 27 250,000 XP Level 28 300,000 XP Level 29 350,000 XP Level 30 500,000 XP Level 31 500,000 XP Level 32 750,000 XP Level 33 1,00,000 XP Level 34 1,250,000 XP Level 35 1,500,000 XP Level 36 2,000,000 XP Level 37 2,500,000 XP Level 38 3,000,000 XP Level 39 5,000,000 XP Level 40 Maximum level

    I wish you a successful upgrade!
