Backup and restore passwords on Google Chrome

You all know the password storage and management functionality on Google Chrome. You use the password saving function of Google Chrome browser, so you often don't remember your password. So when you log into another computer, it will be difficult to remember the password.

Google Chrome has built in a convenient function to manage passwords that have been memorized in the browser, all user passwords are saved into a file, you can backup this file to a safe location to Use when needed.

Password backup

First, you need to turn off the Google Chrome browser, then point to the Google Chrome AppData folder : C: Users [User account name] AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataDefault .

Picture 1 of Backup and restore passwords on Google Chrome

Next, you can backup the Login Data file to a folder you like (to avoid confusion, you can rename it to another file in the folder you save).

Picture 2 of Backup and restore passwords on Google Chrome

Password recovery

To recover the password, copy the Login Data file to the Google Chrome AppData folder (if you change the name, you must change it back to the Login Data name ).

With this convenient function of Google Chrome can partly help you keep passwords of websites, minimize the forgotten password access. Good luck!
