4 ways to hack Facebook you should know to protect your Facebook account

Although security security is always a problem for Facebook, the number of Facebook users is increasing, reaching more than 1.94 billion monthly users by March 2017 and about 1.28 billion daily users. .

We share birthday parties, vacations, every moment in life on Facebook. But sometimes we forget who is watching all of our activities on Facebook. People use Facebook as a tool to connect, but there are people who use this connection for bad purposes. They know when users are not online, steal identity with information displayed on public Facebook profiles.

  • Instructions to log out of Facebook remotely when hacked account
  • Picture 1 of 4 ways to hack Facebook you should know to protect your Facebook account

    In fact, you don't even need to be a professional hacker to access someone's Facebook account. Hacking Facebook can be as easy as running Firesheep on your computer in minutes. In fact, Facebook really allows people to enter someone else's account without knowing the password. All you need to do is select three friends to send the code, then enter the code and access your Facebook account. This article will show you how to hack Facebook and how to prevent it to protect your Facebook account.

  • How to retrieve a hacked Facebook account
  • Ways to hack and prevent Facebook hacking

  • Method 1: Reset your Facebook password
  • Method 2: Use the Keylogger keystroke monitor
  • Method 3: Build a phishing system (Phishing)
  • Method 4: Attack Man in the Middle Attack
  • Some measures to protect other Facebook accounts
  • Method 1: Reset your Facebook password

    The easiest way to hack someone's Facebook is to reset the password for the Facebook account. Follow the steps below:

    Step 1: First need to login to the victim's Facebook email account. If you don't know, try searching on their Facebook page in the Contact Info section or using a tool like TheHarvester to get an email address.

  • How to turn off and block spam from Facebook send to registered email
  • Step 2: Next, click Forgotten your password? and enter the victim's email, then click This is my account .

    Step 3: A message appears asking whether you want to reset the password via the victim's email, ignoring the click No longer have access to these?

    Step 4: Then, a message asking How can we reach you? appears, enter the email you have and do not link to any other Facebook accounts.

    Step 5: Now, you will have to answer a question, if it's the victim's best friend, it's great, otherwise guess. If you answer correctly, you can change your password and wait 24 hours to log in to their account.

    Step 6: If you do not answer the question correctly, you can click Recover your account with help from friends , then select three to five friends.

    Picture 2 of 4 ways to hack Facebook you should know to protect your Facebook account

    Step 7: The system will send the password to your friend, ask them and then type in the next page. You can create three to five fake Facebook accounts and add your friends, or you can choose from three to five of your close friends.

    Picture 3 of 4 ways to hack Facebook you should know to protect your Facebook account

    How to protect your Facebook account

  • Use a specific email address for Facebook and do not display that email in the profile.
  • Choosing security questions and answers is difficult so no one can find an easy answer to access your Facebook account.
  • Learn about how to recover your account from friends. You can choose three friends to send your password. This way can protect yourself from friends and people with friends in your Facebook account.
  • See also: How to get back Facebook hacked and lose registration email

    Method 2: Use the Keylogger keystroke monitor

    Use Keylogger software

    Keylogger software is a program that records each operation on the keyboard that the user creates regularly. You need to download this software manually on the victim's computer. It automatically captures keyboard operations as soon as the computer is turned on and not detected in the background. Software is programmed to send you a summary of all key combinations via email.

  • How to create Keylogger with Notepad
  • Picture 4 of 4 ways to hack Facebook you should know to protect your Facebook account

    Use hardware Keylogger

    This work is similar to keylogger software, except users need a USB with software that can connect to the victim's computer. USB will save a summary of key presses and extract data.

    There are several options for hardware keyloggers such as wired Keylama keyloggers that can be attached to the victim's computer to store keyboard operations and work on any operating system, provided you have access to victim's computer. If you want to retrieve the password remotely, you can invest in a Wi-Fi keylogger that can email the recorded keys or be accessed remotely via Wifi.

  • How to find out if your computer has Keylogger?
  • Picture 5 of 4 ways to hack Facebook you should know to protect your Facebook account

    How to protect your Facebook account

  • Using a firewall, the Keylogger sends information over the Internet, so the firewall monitors the computer's online activity and detects if there is a problem.
  • Install password manager. Keylogger cannot steal if you do not type, the password manager will automatically fill in important forms without typing any content.
  • Update software to fix security holes.
  • Change your Facebook password, if you don't feel safe, you can change your password twice a week.
  • See also: Instructions for finding and deleting the original Keylogger from your computer

    Method 3: Build a phishing system (Phishing)

    This way is harder to implement than the rest of the lesson, this is the most common method to hack Facebook accounts. The most common type of phishing system is to create a fake login page. This page can be emailed to the victim and will look like the Facebook login page. If the victim is logged in, the information will be sent to you instead of Facebook. This process is a bit difficult because you will need to create a web hosting account and a fake login page.

    Picture 6 of 4 ways to hack Facebook you should know to protect your Facebook account

    The easiest way to do this is to copy the site to create an exact copy of the Facebook login page. Then, just tweak the submission form to copy, store or email the login information that the victim entered. Users must be careful about logging into Facebook through other links and email fraud filters are becoming more and more sophisticated.

    How to protect your Facebook account

  • Do not click on the link via email. If you receive an email notification of logging into Facebook via a link, check. If in doubt, go directly to the main website and log in as usual.
  • This scam is not only done via email, it can be any link on websites, chat rooms, text messages, etc. Do not click on any search link that requires information. yours.
  • Use antivirus software like Norton or McAfee.
  • Method 4: Attack Man in the Middle Attack

    If you're a close friend of a victim, you can trick them into connecting to a fake Wi-Fi network to steal information by attacking Man In The Middle (MITM). Tools like Wi-Fi Pumpkin create fake Wi-Fi networks as easily as attaching a 16-dollar wireless network adapter on the $ 50 Raspberry Pi. When a victim connects to a fake network, you can check traffic or routers to fake login pages.

  • Summary of popular network attacks today
  • How to protect your Facebook account

  • Do not connect to an open Wifi network (no password required).
  • Do not connect to any Wifi network far from your location. Why can you see a "Google Starbucks" when Starbucks is far from here? Because hackers know that your phone or computer will automatically connect if you used a network with the same name before.
  • If you have trouble connecting to Wifi, see the network list to see if there is a copy of the network name nearby.
  • If the router requires entering the firmware update password to activate the Internet or display a page with spelling or grammar errors, you may be connecting to a fake access point and someone nearby is trying to steal Your login information.
  • Some measures to protect other Facebook accounts

  • On Facebook, go to Account Settings and check in the Security section. Be sure to enable Secure Browsing. Firesheep cannot find cookies on encrypted connections like HTTPS, so do not use HTTP.
  • See more: Instructions for securing 2 classes of Facebook by phone number

  • Full time SSL, using Firefox add-ons like HTTPS-Everywhere or Force-TLS.
  • Sign out of Facebook when not in use. Firesheep cannot log in to the account if it has logged out.
  • Only use reliable Wifi network. A hacker can sit opposite you at Starbucks and see your email without your knowledge.
  • Use VPN. These features protect against any external intrusion from the same Wi-Fi network, regardless of the web site because all network traffic will be encrypted to the VPN provider. You can refer to article 11 of the best VPN software and choose the right software for you.
  • See more: What are the differences between Proxy and VPN?

    Social networking sites are great ways to connect with old friends and meet new people. However, Facebook users should intelligently select information on Facebook profiles, the less information it will be difficult for hackers.

    See more: How to secure your Facebook account to not be hacked?
